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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have been studying japanese for a few weeks now and it is very interesting. Memorizing hiragana is a bit difficult, so i'll need to work on that more. Its just that its nothing but the sound. No meaning at all with the individual writing. Well, I guess i should go now and practice hiragana!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Why study Japanese?????

I did nt know any Japanese before entering this course. I kinda just signed up cuz my french class wuz overfilled, n da teacher said he would b disbaning some students from the over filled class...... so I just looked up courses , n Japanese was stillz open!!! So i signed up. It seemed intersting the first day I was der. I was lost though..... didn't know what anyone was saying!!!

Hmmm..... the only thing I can find that is in common with Navajo is the long vowels.... the rest is kinda weird. It is kinda hard to understand cuz the words sound the same....in navajo we have tones, so its easier to know different words from each other. I'm also enrolled i Chinese, which is wayyyyy easier than Japanese. But I like Japanese now. Its a challenge, but a gud challenge!!!

uhhhhhhhhh...... thats it!!! Bye everyonez!!!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Second Post.


Shi'ei Ferguson wolye!!

I'm Diné , or Navajo Tribe. I go to schools at New York at Columbia University. I'm writing this blogat da sole attempt of learning n becoming more acquainted with da Japanese language.

Hope whoeverz reading this won't b critical of my writing.




Nez です。あめりかじんです。一年生です。
